Introductions #2: Name and what animal (real or not) would you ride into battle if it were the size of a horse?
Everything has a reason behind it:
Except for this: In a Zombie Apocalypse, would you be most likely to...
#1: Become a zombie killing machine--guns, bats, arrows, random stick, anything is deadly in your hands
#2: Homesteader: You will build up your defenses and keep your family and friends safe. You might even already have a bit of a stash started...
#3: Sneaker: you don't need to fight or protect. You are self-sufficient and can sneak in and around and get what you need without being detected.
#4: Zombie food: No matter how hard you try, you are most likely to lose your head...bad pun?
Each number is related to a recipe from a location in the US. Your group needs to figure out why those recipes became regional food for your location. Tips:
Think about how prime vs. tough cuts of meats are prepared
Enthusiasm about our conversations and the readings
Dry sense of humor and sarcasm
Poor spelling
Prompt responses to emails
Slow but steady grading
Things I expect from you:
Showing up (You get three free excuses, after that it costs 1/2 a letter grade--5%--per absence)
Participating in discussions--I keep track
Turning in assignments on time
Showing respect for me and your classmates, which means:
No private conversations in class (unless group work)
No cellphones out--abuse of cellphones will result in me confiscating your phone once and then after that I will ask you to leave the class. It will be counted as an absence.
No Pokemon Go (unless super rare one appears)
No hogging of the conversation and staying on topic
Arrive prepared--readings read, books ready
No laptops unless you have a good reason to use one