Current Assignement

Thursday, 11/3
Gender and Race
Tuesday, 11/8
Reading Discussion
Thesis Workshop
Thursday, 11/10
NO Class
First Draft Due
Sunday, 11/13
Shitty First Draft Due
Tuesday, 11/15
Reading Discussion
Multi-Modal Examples
Thursday, 11/17
Library In-Class work
Tuesday, 11/22
No Class
Thursday, 11/24
No Class
Sunday, 11/27
Second Full-Draft is due (or close)
Tuesday, 11/29
Reading Discussion
In-Class Peer Review (Bring hardcopy)
Thursday, 12/1
Library In-Class work
Tuesday, 12/6
Optional one-on-one conference
Thursday, 12/8
No Class
Sunday, 12/11
Final draft of paper due
Tuesday, 12/13
5:45-7:45 p.m. Final  (Speech)
Thursday, 12/15
Multi-Modal due

Unit 2:  How does mass entertainment affect our perceptions of race, gender, and stereotypes?

Paper: Write a 1,250 word paper on a film, film trope, or issue within the film industry. Include 5 sources, properly cited, 1” margins, standard 12 pt font, double spaced. 
·       Is masculinity presented in a problematic way in Marvel movies?
·       Is Disney’s newest movie Mona working hard to change the standard of what a princess is or reinforcing the stereotype?
·       Is Finn from the new Star Wars movie a good argument for the increase in diversity in movies or has his character been white-washed?

Multi-Modal:  You will create a multi-modal document that uses 3 or more types of media and expresses your point in a strong rhetorical manner.  You can work in groups but the more people in your group, the more awesome the project needs to be.  You will also need to turn in a 500 word paper explaining the choices you made and why you made them.
Option 1: turn one of your papers into a multi-modal project.  Use images, news clippings, videos, music and more to make your point.
Option 2: Create a TV show or Movie that fights against the problems with the movie industry.  Can include cast, synopsis, story board, movie reviews, and more

Speech: during the final, you will give a 5 minute speech over either paper or your multi-modal project.

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