Unit 2

This unit will continue to build on the skills used in Unit 1.  But we will shift from text to multi-media.

Without realizing it, we are bombarded with the visuals of what "they" think is appropriate and what is standard.  Despite the hundreds of studios and publishing companies, nearly all these companies are owned by larger companies.  This means that just a few people control the images that the whole of the United States see on a daily basis.

For this unit, you are going to select a media type.  Example: super heroes, villains, business women, fraternity guys, fantasy characters, doctors, horror victims...really anything.  Compare at least two movies and look at how this type has changed.  This could be the increased or decreased presences of people of color, women, the type of person that dies first, the attitudes of heroes.

You will write an essay and then turn your project into a multi-media project where you can add video, pictures, text and more.

More details to come...

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