Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Day 27 of 30

  • Quiz
  • Second to last class discussion
  • Peer-Review
    • Number the paragraphs
    • Read paper and identify Point, Example, Explanaton
      • Keep a lookout for paragraphs that are missing one or more elements and for paragraphs that have more than one idea in a paragraph.
    • Create an outline based on your findings
    • Answer the following questions: (use the paragraph numbers to point to areas that are good or need improvement)
      1. Was the paper easy to understand?
      2. Was the paper easy to follow?
      3. Were there too many, too few, or just enough examples and details?
      4.  Did the thesis cover the same information that the paper covered?
      5. What improvements would you suggest to the author?
    • Group back with the author and discus the paper starting with "As I understand you paper..." and tell the author how you felt while reading it and what you thought.  Give more in depth feedback of the questions.
Class Thursday will be in MNL room 121 

Homework: Work on paper and multi-modal project

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